
CAS Tools is a set of tools which can read sampled MSX tapes and convert them to the standard .cas format and back to .wav samples. This package consist of three tools: wav2cas, cas2wav and casdir.


DSK2ROM is a package containing a custom diskrom which can be used to concatenate .dsk image to. The result will be a romfile. Additionally it contains a (pc) tool that can compress images to make them smaller, though the romfile alone is enough to do (uncompressed) conversions on any platform (including MSX-DOS2).

PT3 Player for Hi-Tech C

The PT3 Player for Hi-Tech C is just what it sounds like, a Vortex Tracker II v1.0 PT3 player for MSX compatible with the Hi-Tech C compiler. The player is ported from the player adapted to MSX by Alfonso D. C. a.k.a. Dioniso written in Chaos Assembler 3. The player is compatible with ALL the PT3 modules. For more info about it and all the people involved in this great player go to the VT II v1.0 PT3 player for ZX Spectrum.



The BMP to 105-color image convertor, which can be used to generate interlaced 105 color images on an ordinary MSX1, as introduced in the MSX Unleashed demo. Source code for using the resulting images in your own productions included.

PCM encoder

This tool allows you to encode samples for high quality playback on MSX, using 11, 22 and even 44kHz sample rates. Sources included.The tool is developed together with Arturo Ragozini.

MSX Game Reader tools

These tools allows you to use the MSX Game Reader to access the content of a rom file whitout using an emulator. There are tools to dump the content of a cartridge into a rom file, and tools to flash ROM cartridges with a rom file located on your PC.

Midi Framework

 Framework to create MIDI applications on the MSX. The framework includes assembly listings to set up and manage the MIDI interface of the MSX.


MSX Basic list

MS DOS utility to view contents of MSX BASIC files.


WIn32 and MSX DOS utility to view contents of WBASS2 files.